Monday, February 1, 2010

Rupies rupies rupies!!! Ha ha ha...Rupies!

     Tonight I will tell you the tale of a recent dream I had.  This is a special treat because there is no way you can truly relate to it since it happened illogically in my head.

     You're welcome.

     The story starts by travelling through a heavy mist of poor memory to a few years ago.  This is when I had the dream the first time.  It started with me in a prodigious hedge maze that had been covered by the black curtain of a moonless night.  I couldn't see, but the eerie sounds of my dreary surroundings kept accosting my ears.  I had to move slowly through the maze, trying to find my way out.  Others were in the maze, but I did not acknowledge them.
     Eventually I stumbled out of the maze and found myself at the edge of a haunted swamp.  I could hear something in the darkness behind me; coming for me.  The swamp ahead held fear and mystery, but the maze behind held fear and some very angry thing.  I decided to chance the swamp.
     I jumped upon the first log, a piece of driftwood, and almost slid right off into the evil depths.  I knew that I couldn't fall in or it would be the end.  I managed to slowly make my way jump by jump as if in some horrid game of frogger, but with each movement the thing behind me got closer.  I dared not look back for fear of it catching up.  Instead I pressed forward more frantically with each passing second until I manage to make it to a dock.  At this point, I had managed to elude my pursuer.
     I moved forward on the dock until I reached a large square piece with two platforms on either side.  This is when a haunted suit of armor jumped onto the dock with me.  He had a clearly labelled life bar, a sword that shot magic, and a bad attitude.  The rest of the dream involved me fighting him with magic.  By the way, for you others still in the hedge maze--he's weak against fire.

   A few nights ago I had the same dream.  It started as a different dream but quickly two-wheel motorized carted it's way into the haunted swamp.  I bypassed the hedge maze like this:
I was running in a field in one dream as it transitioned into the other dream.  I saw the hedge maze ahead of me, remembered it from before, and ran the hell around it.
     Something was chasing me again this time, but I began to recall my surroundings from last time.  I actually thought to myself "I remember this from the last time I dreamed it" and began to Dragonball Z my way across the driftwood infested waters.  I reached the dock/boss fight again and couldn't figure out how to hurt him.  Then I used my telekinesis (which I got at level 20) to throw some nearby jack-o-lanterns at him.  When the lanterns hit him, they exploded into a small ball of flame and then I remembered that he was weak against fire!  So I started summoning my meteor of destruction and promptly woke up before the ass kicking could really get started.

I looked the main symbols up in my dream book and have determined that either I:

  1. Hate my parents.
  2. Am gay.
  3. Need to stop eating bean and cheese burritos right before bed.
Ah well, I just finish my Bomb and I'm going to bed.


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