Monday, April 19, 2010

Nicholas cage: perfect father figure

Leigh Ann and I went to see Kick-Ass this past weekend and it was...well...okay.

Oh and spoilers below: you have been warned.

I wish I could say that it was kick-ass, but unless we're referring to the title, that would make me a liar.  The movie was more violent than I expected, but that's not why I'm saying it wasn't great.  I simply felt like the movie didn't really know what it was doing for two hours.  It was like somebody looked at the movie and said:
"Here's the general plot, just do whatever feels natural to fill in the spaces so we can get the full length out of it."

I still maintain that the general idea is a good one.  A young man simply decides to become a superhero and turns out to be an average guy in a costume just doing the right thing.  He realizes in the grand scheme of things that he's nothing special, but here's the thing: he is special.  I think so at least.  My favorite part was during a fight with three thugs, one pulls a knife.

Thug: The fuck is wrong with you, man?  You rather die for some piece of shit you don't even fucking know?
Kick-Ass:  Three assholes laying into one guy while everyone else watches?  And you want to know what's wrong with me?  Yeah, I'd rather bring it on!

A great moment that really looks into why some teenager would risk his life, but they never expound upon it.  They never bother to make a point in the movie.  Good guys get the bad guys, and that's all well and good, but that can't be all there is.  If I wanted violence and action, I'd rent a Michael Bay film.  If I wanted vulgar language, I'd watch a Die Hard Movie.  If I wanted to watch silly modern teenage antics, I'd go buy Juno.  But I don't want those things.  I wanted a superhero movie.  I wanted a point.  I wanted all of the above woven together well as opposed to shifting the focus from scene to scene.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't hate the movie.  I was just really disappointed in how it performed.  I do want to look into the comic, to see if it fills in the holes left behind by Hollywood.  If you have huge sums of disposable income, go watch Kick-Ass, it's worth that.  Otherwise wait until you can rent it because there is no point in paying for an incomplete movie.

My rating: 6.8/10

My Second Favorite Quote: "Fuck you Mr. Bitey!"