The Last Airbender:
- The voices that we can hear so far in the trailer aren't terrible compared to what could have happened (You know what I'm talking about Studio Ghibli. Honestly, Christian Bale? Liam Neeson? Billy Crystal?!?!?)
- Ascetically, the movie has great promise. Also, there were some liberties taken with clothing and Aang's tattoos, but I think that it's pretty close on in most spots.
- Jackson Rathbone apparently doesn't have to look and sound like a total dimwit. Quick! Someone alert Catherine Hardwicke!
- Not everyone seems to have made a seamless transition into the live action world. I'm extremely skeptical about Iroh. He doesn't seem to be as plump and gray haired as I remember so he better be SO FRICKIN' LOVABLE OR I'M JUST GOING TO SNAP. Aang has yet to show any happy and childish emotions which is kind of the basis of his character for 85-90% of the series. Also, what's with Zuko's scar? Last time I checked his daddy didn't give him a little love tap on the temple before exiling him. He melted half of Zuko's face, kicked him out of an entire, growing nation and told him to never come back because who could never love a son who was so horribly disfigured.
- One of the temples in the movie is the Pagoda in Reading, PA. By the looks of the Pagoda, I'd guess Fire Nation. I don't like the idea of Ozai living so close to me...
- Last, but by no means least: M. Night Shyamalan is directing it. Aside from the fact that he adds that unnecessary "y" to his name, his last good movie was unbreakable (And to be fair that wasn't thanks to him. Any movie with Bruce Willis AND Samuel L. Jackson will rock). Also he has an unquenchable desire to add a "twist" to everything. So, Dear M. Night: If you change the story here to add a "twist" at the end, I'm going to gently rip out your jugular with my feet. Sincerely, Me.
Internet T.V. Shows:
- I can watch my shows when I'm good and ready too. Also for many shows, I am able to start from the beginning and catch up on things I've missed.
- I don't need to pay for cable.
- Most networks now upload recent episodes online, so I can get up to date episodes.
- It's great to watch shows from the beginning in a row, but when I finally catch up to present day, I'm back to watching weekly, like everyone else. I don't like being like everyone else. I like being special. Can you understand that Mohinder?
- The new episodes usually don't update until the day after the network shows them. So, while I can still talk with my coworkers about recent events in our favorite shows, I have to avoid them like the plague for about 24 hours.
- What the Hell CBS? Get with the program! Al Gore didn't invent the internet so that you could sit on your lazy butt and NOT give me my favorite shows online.
The Glaze I made for Dinner:
- It was delicious.
- It was quick and easy to make.
- I have a bunch of it left.
- The flavor was a little too strong.
- I think I reduced it too much because it has the consistency of cold molasses.
- I have a bunch of it left.
That's the end of this blog. Right down there, where the words stop. That's it. Isn't it pretty? Maybe you enjoyed this post; maybe you didn't. Maybe you didn't read it because you went to the comic book store. I don't know because ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!!!
Your glaze will never be Bacon, Blondies, and Bleach